what we do
NTPlus takes ion exchange - the accepted best available technology for nitrate removal - and changes it from a process that uses a lot of salt and produces waste, to a process that uses a bit of potash - and converts almost all of it to sulphate of potash and potassium nitrate.
This is game changing
Not only does it make nitrate treatment affordable, but it produces valuable nutrients with a carbon footprint of 1/10th of conventional manufacturing process.
Wells, previously abandoned due to nitrate levels, can be re-instated and existing high nitrate wells can be treated.
When applied to the final effluent from a wastewater treatment plant, this enables water companies to maintain catchment nutrient neutrality at a lower cost than constructed wetlands - and, after membrane pre-treatment, with 100% treatment of the produced water by ion exchange, will produce water at or better than drinking water standards.
low carbon nutrients
Each te of potash used in this process costs 250 kg of carbon dioxide to make, but the nutrients recovered would have cost ~2.5 te of carbon dioxide to produce conventionally.
A nitrate removal site producing drinking water would use 3x as much salt and then road tanker the waste away for treatment, costing 0.5 te of carbon dioxide per te of salt used
smart irrigation
Variable rate fertigation is the most efficient form of irrigation and is ideally suited to Agua DB's technology
Applies nutrients as the crop needs them - minimises run-off and nutrient requirement
Maintains correct soil moisture - can reduce soil NOx emissions by up to 70%
commercial greenhouses
Production of high N irrigation water and nutrients can be matched to the greenhouse requirements.
We can also supply a solution of potassium bicarbonate - perfect as a foliar powdery mildew treatment.
A wastewater treatment plant can supply >40% of the required crop nutrients and all the irrigation water for e.g. low run-off tomato growing